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Vaginal thrush
Get health information > Common ailments > Vaginal thrush
Many women have an occasional bout of thrush and treatment from the Pharmacist is usually easy & effective. However, recurrent thrush can be more difficult to manage.

Patient: Recurrent Vaginal Thrush
Many women have an occasional bout of thrush, when treatment is usually easy and effective. There is a separate leaflet called 'Thrush - Vaginal' about a first or occasional bout of thrush. However, some women have recurring bouts of thrush, when treatment can be more difficult. This leaflet is for women who have recurring bouts of thrush.

Most women experience occasional bouts of a common yeast infection known as vaginal thrush. Read about thrush on this page, and watch the video to hear GP Dr Sarah Jarvis describing the symptoms of thrush, a yeast infection, discussing who is most at risk and how it is treated.
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