Use the surgery > Language settings
Language settings for internet browsers
An internet browser's default settings are configured to your geographical region - it will display the native language that is predominantly spoken there. However, some individuals may speak more than one language (or they would like to assist someone with them who speaks another language) and will prefer to use another over the default language which is set by the browser. Please see the guidance below for changing settings:

Change settings for commonly used PC based browsers
Please visit the following page on this useful computer resource website.
Link last checked November 2019
Android - change settings on Android mobile device browsers (Chrome)
Open Chrome and click the top right hand menu drop down icon (three vertical dots icon)
Click Settings > Languages
If your chosen language is not listed click Add language and select it
return to the main Settings menu
Click Translate and select your chosen language
Last checked November 2019
Apple - Change settings on iPhone mobile device browsers
If you use Chrome as your main browser please follow the steps above.
If you are using the default browser Safari you will need to install an additional extension - Microsoft Translator is a popular free app.
Please visit the following page for details of installing and configuring Microsoft Translator
Last checked November 2019