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Sleep Problems
Get health information > Common ailments > Sleep Problems
Read the information on these pages including tips for sleeping better, including how to get support and treatment for sleeping problems.

Lots of resources, tips and ideas to hep you overcome your sleep problems or insomnia.

Mind: How to cope with sleep problems
Explains insomnia and other sleep problems, giving practical suggestions for what you can do and where you can go for support.

Patient: Sleeping problems in children
It is important to identify the sleep disorder underlying the problem, rather than treat symptomatically, as the choice of treatment depends on the cause of the problem. Learn more about the different types of sleep problems.

NHS: Sleep problems and trouble sleeping
Tips about insomnia, sleep problems for children and teenagers, sleeping pills, snoring and more.

Patient: Insomnia (Poor sleep)
About one in five people has some difficulty with sleeping. However, there are many things you can do to help yourself. This leaflet aims to show you some of them. For example, simple things like winding down before bedtime, avoiding certain foods and drinks, and a bedtime routine can help. Further ways to promote sleep in more difficult cases include relaxation techniques, regular exercise, and behavioural and cognitive therapies.
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