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Hayfever & allergies
Get health information > Common ailments > Hayfever & allergies
Hay fever is an allergy to pollen that affects around one in four people. An allergy is an adverse reaction that the body has to a particular food or substance in the environment. Read these pages to learn more about hay fever and other allergies.
Allergy UK: Hay fever and allergic rhinitis
Rhinitis can have several causes, such as infection, a reaction to medication, irritation by dusts, or allergy. Read more for advice about symptoms, pollen-food allergy, management and allergy testing.

Hay fever is an allergy to pollen that affects around one in four people. Watch the video expert explains how it’s diagnosed, the symptoms and treatment. This page also contains information on self-help, prevention, treatment, symptoms, diagnosis, causes and complications.

An allergy is an adverse reaction that the body has to a particular food or substance in the environment. Some allergies may need management. Read more to learn about symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

Food Fact Sheet: Pollen-food Syndrome (PFS)
PFS is caused by the body reacting to proteins found in foods from plants that are similar to pollen. It usually occurs in people who have hayfever in the Spring.
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