Get health information > Alcohol
Many of us like to unwind with a nice glass of something. But it’s funny how drink sneaks up on us. The odd glass in the evening can quickly become two or three regular glasses, most evenings. Too much alcohol is bad news for your appearance, odour, brain, heart, liver and your relationships.
For support with an alcohol problem please visit the Together Drug & Alcohol Service

Apps and other online tools that can help you understand your drinking, track your drinks and change your habits.

Easy Quit App
"EasyQuit" is a free Android app that will help you quit drinking, either cold turkey or by using a "quit slowly" mode. It has many motivational features such as the money you save, scientific health statistics about your body and how it improves without alcohol and personal motivations with a reminder function.

Brief info - worth a quick read!
Helps work out your units and reveals the benefits of cutting down.

This App helps you keep track of your drinking - showing you when you’re putting your health at risk and giving you tips to help you cut down.

Together Drug & Alcohol Services
Together Drug and Alcohol Service offers support to those over 18 who wish to address their drug and alcohol use. It offers:
Advice & information for drug and/or alcohol users or anyone concerned about someone’s use (friends, family, employers)
Prescribing options, delivered in-house by specialist doctors
Harm reduction interventions and Needle exchange
Group work programmes
One to one recovery navigation
Whole Family support and interventions
Recovery support and post treatment programmes and activities
Accredited mentoring courses

Is your drinking making you fat? Hangover cures, Binge drinking, Health risks and Tips to cut back....

Get the FREE APP, check the facts, understand your drinking and make a change. Drinkaware are an independent charity that promotes responsible drinking and finds innovative ways to challenge the national drinking culture to help reduce alcohol misuse and alcohol-related harm.

Drink Wise, Age Well
If you live in Devon and are over 50 we can offer free, confidential support and advice for you, your family or anyone concerned about how alcohol is affecting them. Call us today on 0800 304 7034.

Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.
There are several Paignton locations that host meetings - type your postcode in to find the most convenient one.