Use the surgery > Make the most of your NHS > Making the most of your appointment
Making the most of your appointment
Before you see your GP or other healthcare professional, do you know what sort of help you’re looking for? Is it a diagnosis; treatment; reassurance; problems with existing treatments; alternative treatments; referral to other health services; or monitoring; or something else?
It can help to be clear about what you’d like to come out of the consultation with so that you can be clear what you’re asking for and clear, afterwards, whether you got what you felt you needed – or, if not, whether you’re happy with the result nonetheless.
WRITE DOWN what you want to get out of the appointment with your GP or other health care professional on your next visit and whether you have any specific questions as it can be easy to forget something in a short consultation. Write down or take with you any medications you're currently on.
◾GPs have experience and are trained to deal with intimate subjects. They will understand any discomfort you may feel and you should find them supportive. It may help to introduce the subject by saying “I might find this difficult to talk about” as this will enable your GP to help you to share the problem.
◾Also it’s important to share all information with your GP to help them in their diagnosis and to identify the right treatment for you.
◾Tell your doctor if you’re finding it difficult in any way to follow the treatment plan that’s been agreed.
Your GPs, nurses, consultants and other health professionals are there to help and guide you to stay healthy, both physically and mentally. Many people feel they can’t question their doctor. However, doctors may have some of the answers but don’t have all the answers – especially around what works best for you as an individual. GPs know this and It’s only by asking them questions and working together with them that you can both achieve the best results for you. You can also ask them to repeat or clarify anything they have said if you haven't properly heard or understood or ask them to write it down for you.
CHECK YOUR OPTIONS about how to best manage, as well as ‘treat’, your health condition – ie what else might help to produce the best outcomes. While sometimes there's little alternative to medical or surgical treatment, your GP can also advise whether it's an option to watch and wait or whether there are other options you can try before or instead of medical or surgical interventions. Some GPs may be very focused on medical treatment, so you may need to ask about other options; other GPs may suggest other things that can help or other options as a matter of course.
Make sure you're clear what happens next before you leave the appointment - what you can expect from your health team and what your health team may be expecting from you.
If you’re really not sure about the advice you've been given, sometimes it can help to ask for a second opinion. It may help to ask the receptionist (or other people who may know) if there's a GP who specialises in your particular health concern as many GPs have a particular area of interest. If it’s a hospital consultant, ask your GP if you could get a second opinion (your GP will also be able to talk to you about your questions or concerns arising from the original consultation).